If you’re undergoing our Morpheus8 treatment, you can expect a warm tingling sensation during treatment. Numbing cream can be applied prior to treatment to minimise discomfort. After your treatment, you’ll likely experience some redness, slight swelling, and in some cases, very mild bruising. You can expect most post-treatment side effects to clear up after a few days.
If you’re having our non-invasive Forma RF treatment applied, you can expect a soothing, warm sensation that’s relatively painless — many of our clients say it feels like a relaxing massage! After your treatment, you may experience some mild redness, but this will all disappear after a few hours.
While both our treatments deliver an instant glow after treatment, you’ll begin to notice significant changes in your skin’s tightness and plumpness a few weeks after treatment. During this period, your body will be working super hard to create collagen and revive your appearance.