Skin Tightening

What are Skin Tightening Treatments?

Loosening of the skin is very common and can happen for lots of reasons, including ageing, excessive weight loss, and pregnancy. If you want to revive your skin’s natural, plump, and youthful appearance, choose our selection of bespoke skin tightening treatments from OC Skin.

Our skin specialists will also evaluate your skin’s overall health using our cutting-edge skin scanning technology.

Skin Tightening

To ensure you receive an effective treatment suited to your skin, our expert specialists will have a 1 on 1 chat with you about your concerns and long-term skin goals.

Book a consultation with our expert skin specialists to discover the best skin tightening for your skin!

Once all the important information has been collected, our experts will select a treatment suited to your needs and skin condition as well provide you with a personalised treatment plan. Our bespoke skin tightening treatments include Morpheus8 and Forma RF.

Morpheus8 is a fast-working, minimally-invasive treatment that harnesses the amazing power of radiofrequency (RF) to promote collagen production and skin renewal. This helps lift and tighten the skin, while reducing stretch marks, reducing wrinkles, and smoothing skin texture.
Forma RF is another proven skin tightening treatment offered by our team that also involves RF technology. It works by gently heating the skin’s dermal layer with a special handheld device. This prompts your body to respond by producing collagen, which, in turn, tightens the skin and smoothes wrinkles. — just like magic!

Benefits of Our Skin Tightening Treatments

Frequently Asked Questions

What Areas Can Be Treated?

Our bespoke Morpheus8 treatment can be applied to both the face and body. It works especially well on delicate areas of the face (such as the under eyes), neck, chest, abdomen, arms, and buttocks, making it an ideal treatment for anyone after more youthful, plump skin. 

Our innovative Forma RF treatment can be applied to various areas across the face, including nasolabial folds, under-eyes, brows & forehead, upper lip, jawline, chin, and neck. 

What Can I Expect During Treatment?

If you’re undergoing our Morpheus8 treatment, you can expect a warm tingling sensation during treatment. Numbing cream can be applied prior to treatment to minimise discomfort. After your treatment, you’ll likely experience some redness, slight swelling, and in some cases, very mild bruising. You can expect most post-treatment side effects to clear up after a few days. 

If you’re having our non-invasive Forma RF treatment applied, you can expect a soothing, warm sensation that’s relatively painless — many of our clients say it feels like a relaxing massage! After your treatment, you may experience some mild redness, but this will all disappear after a few hours. 

While both our treatments deliver an instant glow after treatment, you’ll begin to notice significant changes in your skin’s tightness and plumpness a few weeks after treatment. During this period, your body will be working super hard to create collagen and revive your appearance. 

What Is the Best Treatment for Skin Tightening?

There are many effective treatments that target skin tightening, including our bespoke Forma RF and Morpheus8 treatments. Both of these treatments work by promoting collagen production — a key ingredient that keeps your skin plump and radiant!

Book a consultation with our expert skin specialists to discover the best skin tightening for your skin!

How Do You Tighten Sensitive Skin?

OC Skin offers various skin tightening treatments that are safe for all skin types, including sensitive skin. For example, our bespoke Morpheus8 treatment delivers precise and targeted treatment to delicate areas, such as under-eyes, controlled Radio Frequency exposure. This minimises irritation while gently tightening the skin. 

If you have sensitive skin and want an effective and safe skin tightening treatment, book a consultation with our skin experts to receive a personalised treatment plan suited to your skin type, concerns, and preferences. 

What To Do Before Having a Skin Tightening Treatment?

Before choosing a skin tightening treatment, our experts will have a 1-1 chat with you about your concerns and long-term skin goals. 

Our team will also evaluate your skin’s health using state-of-the-art skin scanning technology. After your comprehensive skin assessment, our experts will match you with the best skin tightening treatment and develop a personalised skin plan. 

Before your treatment, make sure you stop using any active ingredients on your skin at least five days prior to your appointment, and please arrive with a fresh, makeup-free face. 

Contact our friendly team today to start your skin tightening journey!

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